by themindresource | Mar 4, 2018 | The Mind Resource
Omega-3 fatty acids and their role in brain function by Emily Zacherle Have you ever heard a doctor, family member, friend or fellow gym member say “Make sure you take your omega-3s?” It seems to be one of the most common pieces of general health advice that we...
by themindresource | Jan 22, 2018 | The Mind Resource
DHEA and Mental Health Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), the most abundant hormone in human body, is primarily produced by the adrenal glands and gonads, and serves as a precursor for male and female sex hormones (testosterone and estrogen). While a number of claims have...
by themindresource | Nov 12, 2017 | The Mind Resource
Neurotransmitters: The Key to Mental Health? by Emily Zacherle Last week we talked about the nervous system structure and function, but did you know that many mental illnesses are linked to neurotransmitters? The various neurotransmitters within our bodies act like...
by themindresource | Oct 6, 2017 | The Mind Resource
To Ketone or to Glucose? That is the Question. by Emily Zacherle. How do you fuel your body: ketones or glucose? That seems to be a highly debated question in the fitness world and has been for many years. In particular and probably more familiar to most is the...
by themindresource | Sep 21, 2017 | The Mind Resource
Sleep: the brain’s reset button by Emily Zacherle What do you do to clear your mind? Maybe it’s yoga, running, hiking, baking or art class perhaps? Oddly enough, a good night’s sleep may literally clear your mind, but in a more technical sense. Last week we talked...
by themindresource | Sep 11, 2017 | The Mind Resource
The Brain Drain by Emily Zacherle. Just as we rely on dumptrucks to remove trash taken from our homes and businesses, the human brain relies on a sort of garbage disposal system to remove waste and prevent ‘clutter.’ Waste removal in both the brain and the rest of...